How To Promote Your Brand-Building Self-Published Book Amplify’d from How To Promote Your Brand-Building Self-Published Book Premise–understanding your publishing goals ike to share some of the ways you can promote your brand-building ebook or self-published print-on-demand book. The following ideas are presented with the caution that they are ideas, or options; not a prescription for success. There is no, one, unive The following ideas are presented with the caution that they are ideas, or options; not a prescription for success. There is no, one, unive rsal path to author profitability . My goal in presenting the options is simply to help you identify the best mix of ideas and strategies that works for you. Doesn’t giving your ebook away eliminate sales? Long range strategies Why you need a plan Once you have created the framework for promoting your book on your site, and others, here are some additional strategies you can do to drive tra...