Pretty cool ideas
1 month, 40 blogging action items
1. Decide if you’re happy with your platform. If you make a whole ton of changes and then change where your blog is afterward, you’ll be quite frustrated with yourself. This is something I DO know a lot about!
2. Remove moderation and CAPTCHA from your comments. I know, it’s scary. I had moderated comments for a long time. One major advantage of using WordPress is that you get Aksimet, which is a very powerful spam filter. It does the job. If you love your comments, set them free!
3. Create or improve an “about” page. Include information about why people should read what you have to say, but also add some human interest in there. Let people get to know you.
4. Find a way to highlight “popular” posts. This, again, is really easy to do in WordPress. The advantage of this is that it keeps people interested in posts that did well for you, and it also offers a good preview of what your content is like.
5. Make sure your subscribe options are super easy to find. My subscribe box is over there in the upper right-hand corner. A lot of people include an invitation to subscribe at the end of every post. Make it easy.
Week 2
1. Engage the “give to get” rule. Every day this week, don’t let yourself tweet out a link to your blog post until you’ve tweeted out 3 other peoples’ posts. That means that if you want to tweet out your blog post 3 times, you’ll have to tweet out 9 other blog posts as well.
2. Comment on 15 blog posts this week. You can do three a day, and they can be some of the same posts you’re tweeting out. Pace yourself so that your comments can be genuine and thoughtful.
Week 3
1. Give to get a bit more. This week, promote 5 peoples’ blog posts before you tweet out a link to your own.
2. Comment a bit more. Build on the commenting you started doing in week 2. Try to comment on 20 posts this week.
3. Experiment with a new kind of blog post. If you tend to write really long posts, try to write a great post in 500 words. If you tend to write really funny posts, try to talk about something serious. Stretch your horizons. Show your readers your versatility.
Week 4
1. Continue to promote 5 posts for every 1 of yours. Give to get. This is probably becoming a habit by now.
Read more at www.margieclayman.com2. Try to comment on 30 posts this week. It seems like a lot, but there are so many amazing posts out there, it is easier than you might think.
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